Introspection: Do you feel the pressure of success?

In sports, winning a title may be challenging, but retaining it is even more daunting. A marathoner who clinches a victory often struggles more in defending their title during the next race. This is true for boxing and other individual sports, as well as in team sports.

Introspection: What would you like to achieve in the next 30 days?

Let's say we are dealing with a very short timeline, maybe of 30 days. What would you like to achieve in the next 30 days? If you have to put up your goal post for next one month, where will it be? What would it look like? What satisfaction will you derive from it?

Do you wear any jewellery? What is your favourite jewellery? What kind of metal or material do you like most in your jewellery? Wearing of jewellery has been in custom since time immemorial since the human being has learned to live on the planet...

Have you ever faced a situation where the other person doesn't look in your eyes while talking? Not maintaining eye contact while being in the conversation is considered impolite. Some cultures specifically emphasise direct eye contact. When...

You don't have a hobby?If you ask this question to anyone: 'What's your hobby?' There is more than fifty percent chance that he will fumble. 'Well, I don't have any hobby,' or 'my work is my hobby,' or 'I don't have time for a hobby,' kind of...

‘Hi, how are you?’‘How can I be with you being in my life?’These are two messages exchanged between two persons. If no further information is given, you are bound to interpret the answer in various ways. If these messages are exchanged between...

Rejected!Have you ever tried pulling your hair out because of this word – rejected? We all face rejection in our lives, and it may not be only once or twice but many times. Rejection can be in any field – a love affair, society, job application,...

Most of the models and theories of social sciences like economics are based on assumed rationality in human behaviour. Economists believe that people will make choices to make optimal use of resources and there will be equilibrium in society....

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