Forgiveness to others is freedom to us

Rohit Vadhwana Wednesday 22nd May 2024 08:41 EDT

Have you been suffering from heartburn? Does it cause resentment and bitterness in your mind? Is it troubling you? The best solution to get rid of these emotions and insecurity is: forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of our anger that is directed towards someone. However, it is not easy. Gandhiji used to say that forgiveness is a trait of the powerful, a weak person cannot forgive anyone. What he meant was that it's not easy to forgive someone for the wrong s/he has committed to you, the hurt s/he has caused to you. It takes effort and determination to forgive someone for such an act. While we say forgiveness it is not merely saying to someone that I forgive you, but also removing all the ill-will and bitterness from the heart for that person. As such, this is very difficult. At its core, forgiveness involves letting go of anger, resentment, and the desire for retribution. This act of releasing negative emotions is not only beneficial for the person being forgiven but also crucial for the forgiver's emotional and psychological well-being.

Just like love, anger or any other emotions, forgiveness has been discussed and studied in philosophies and literature examining its ethical and moral aspects. One of the most influential philosophers on this topic is Hannah Arendt, who argued that forgiveness is essential for breaking the cycle of retribution and violence. In her book "The Human Condition," Arendt writes, "Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom." Jean-Paul Sartre, the existentialist philosopher, considers forgiveness as an existential choice, a way of affirming one's freedom and taking responsibility for one's own emotions. Satre strongly believed that by forgiving, individuals assert their autonomy and refuse to be defined by past grievances. There are discussions among thinkers as to how forgiveness involves a transition from anger to compassion. Martha Nussbaum, in her book "Upheavals of Thought," writes, "To forgive is to release the grip of the past and to embrace a future unburdened by resentment."

In ancient philosophy, Buddhism offers a rich framework for understanding forgiveness, rooted in its core teachings on compassion, mindfulness, and the nature of suffering. One of the central tenets of Buddhism is the concept of karuna (compassion). The Buddha taught that compassion is essential for alleviating suffering, both for oneself and others. Forgiveness, in this context, is an expression of compassion, allowing us to release negative emotions and foster inner peace. In the Dhammapada, there is a verse that encapsulates the essence of forgiveness: "Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule." This teaching highlights the transformative power of forgiveness in breaking the cycle of anger and fostering a sense of interconnectedness and empathy. This is what Gandhi also said, an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. In the contemporary time, Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, has written extensively on the practice of forgiveness. In his book "The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching," he explains that forgiveness is not about ignoring or forgetting the harm done but about understanding the causes and conditions that led to the wrongdoing. Thich Nhat Hanh writes, "When we understand the roots of anger in ourselves and in the other person, our anger can turn into compassion."

Forgiveness is a powerful and transformative practice. By letting go of anger and embracing compassion, you can achieve personal peace and contribute to a more harmonious world. Forgiveness has a number of psychological and emotional advantages. Research shows that forgiving others can lead to reduced stress, lower blood pressure, and improved mental health. Forgiveness allows individuals to release the burden of anger and bitterness, leading to greater emotional resilience and well-being. In addition to personal benefits, forgiveness can also have positive social implications. The Dalai Lama once said, "Forgiveness does not mean condoning what has been done. Forgiving means not harboring feelings of anger and hatred." It finally results in a sense of utmost freedom for ourselves. 

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