Introspection: Do you feel the pressure of success?

In sports, winning a title may be challenging, but retaining it is even more daunting. A marathoner who clinches a victory often struggles more in defending their title during the next race. This is true for boxing and other individual sports, as well as in team sports.

Introspection: What would you like to achieve in the next 30 days?

Let's say we are dealing with a very short timeline, maybe of 30 days. What would you like to achieve in the next 30 days? If you have to put up your goal post for next one month, where will it be? What would it look like? What satisfaction will you derive from it?

You might have come across the story of Kisa Gautami whose only son fell ill and died suddenly. She requested Lord Buddha, weeping and moaning, to give her son’s life back. Lord Buddha asked her to bring a fist full of grains from a family who...

In personal and professional life, we come across a number of pressure points. The cause and degree of such pressure may vary from person to person. In professional life, one may be under a constraint to deliver targets while in personal life...

During the week, we are celebrating Diwali festivities. These five days, or even longer, the festival is significant in Indian culture, especially for Gujaratis because the next day is New Year. On the festival of Diwali, we take the new pledge...

Success is a relative measure. It may connote different meanings in the lives of different people. Some are successful with a house and a car, others are victorious if they earn a million while a few others may not be successful even if they...

Twenty years after they left college, Sunita and Priya met at a common friend's daughter's wedding in Mumbai. Priya, an ever-ambitious one, had joined a course in a university in the USA and then settled there for a promising corporate career....

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