When things don't go as per your expectations

What happens when you expect something so much, but it does not happen?

Focus on the issue at hand

Focus on the issue at hand - you might have come across this phrase a number of times in your professional life. In a meeting when some employees divert from the main topic, the chair advises to stay focused on the issue at hand. This concept is also used when one delves too deep in any subject or spreads too wide, more than needed. You can't afford to spread yourself too thin or try to do everything at once. In such situations, we advise him/her to focus on the issue at hand. This strategy helps...

Learning a new skill has become a fashion in the modern world. People learn different things like a new skill- like a foreign language. I have seen people learning French, Spanish, Chinese, German or some other foreign language as a hobby and...

How much does a day value in your life? When I ask this question, you will smirk, saying, 'What does this question mean at all?' But taken seriously, it will give us a good idea about the importance of time in life, importance of a day in our...

Many times we come across people who cannot find solution to simple problems. We suggest them a good way out but they can't implement. They keep complaining about the situation and we start believing that someone likes to behave as victim. It...

(Expressed opinions are personal.)We are going back to basics. And it is helpful for us, human being, the society and the ecosystem. You might have noticed the fashion of pastel colour clothes is becoming popular. You might have noticed people...

“When I was a child...” and the story goes on. Have you heard your grandparents or parents narrating some stories about their childhood? They invariably begin with this phrase, “when I was a child...”.

Diwali festivities are round the corner. One of the key elements of celebrating Diwali is playing cards! People in India like to play cards on the Diwali night with the hope that Goddess Lakshmi will bestow its blessings upon them and that luck...

During the last lockdown, which was first of its kind experience for almost everyone of us, we have learnt survival skills, with bare minimum support. One of the issue that everyone of us might have felt was haircut. Hairdressers were closed...

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