No More shaming the night owls

Night owls tend to be mentally sharper than morning people, according to a study.

Regular walks effective for relieving low back pain

Research published in The Lancet journal suggests that the simple act of walking can significantly alleviate low back pain, based on a study involving approximately 700 adults who had recently recovered from such pain episodes.

Nitin TeckChandani: Robothink

Robothink, a leading coding, robotics, and engineering company, is making significant strides in preparing children aged 4 to 14 through STEM-themed camps, workshops and afterschool and learning centre programmes for children

SPOTLIGHT: Anandana Nadhavajhala: Universal Yoga

You can hear the meditative cool straight away in Anandana’s voice: her regular classes must surely be transformative! Indeed, the young yoga teacher is award-winning and focuses significantly on special needs while catering to a range of young...

Smart jewellery for a smarter you

Up until the last few decades, the best perceived gift for a woman was considered to be a piece of jewellery. Perhaps, the idea still stands relevant today only now it is a “touch smarter”. The Bellabeat leaf chakra is a practical and an attractive...

“My biopic would inspire women to follow their dreams with faith and courage”

A household name in India and with growing popularity in the UK, businesswoman and cosmetologist Shahnaz Husain, is the founder, chairperson & managing director of The Shahnaz Husain Group.

A learning trip!

One of the most effective ways to learn a new language is to travel to your desired country and fully immerse yourself in the language of locals. 

Customers of Southall Travel refunded £22 million worth of payments

Southall Travel Group has announced measures to ‘ramp up’ its capacity to deal with refund and other queries, as it issued £22 million worth of payments to its customers. The firm reportedly said it has refunded 94% of customers with package...

Lavish Royal wedding may cost £32 million

As 19th May is steadily approaching, the anticipation for the Royal wedding of the year is intensifying. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be tying the knot and entering marital bliss in May, and it is estimated that their wedding will cost...

Royal wedding invitation sent to 600 guests

As the countdown begins to the highly anticipated wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle due to take place on 19th May, their spectacular wedding card has been revealed.

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