No action goes in vain; each one has an impact. Everything you do—or don't do—has ramifications. Therefore, be mindful of your actions as well as their consequences.
No action goes in vain; each one has an impact. Everything you do—or don't do—has ramifications. Therefore, be mindful of your actions as well as their consequences.
Everything unused eventually goes to waste—whether it’s your talents, possessions, or skills. Consider a bicycle: if left unused for too long, it will rust and become unrideable.
No action goes in vain; each one has an impact. Everything you do—or don't do—has ramifications. Therefore, be mindful of your actions as well as their consequences.
Everything unused eventually goes to waste—whether it’s your talents, possessions, or skills. Consider a bicycle: if left unused for too long, it will rust and become unrideable.
Zanshin is a profound Japanese concept that literally translates to "remaining mind." It means a state of relaxed alertness and heightened awareness.
Often, we say, "I can do this." But this 'can' does not necessarily lead to action unless accompanied by a firm commitment: "I will do this," followed by actually doing it.
Often, we receive favours from people around us. They put in effort to help us during critical times of need. It goes without saying that such acts require their time and energy.
In Chemistry, there is a principle called Boyle's Law. It states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume when temperature is held constant.
When we exercise, muscle gain and strength development progress gradually with consistent workouts. Similarly, learning is a slow, step-by-step process that accumulates knowledge over time. Building wealth also follows an incremental pattern,...
You may have encountered the question of an individual's net worth, which is typically measured by the monetary value of their assets.
The absence of difficulties may be a good reason to be happy for anyone, but we need to learn the art of being happy *despite* challenges.
We are living in a hyper-information age, yet we are the most ignorant generation that has ever lived in this world.