When things don't go as per your expectations

What happens when you expect something so much, but it does not happen?

Focus on the issue at hand

Focus on the issue at hand - you might have come across this phrase a number of times in your professional life. In a meeting when some employees divert from the main topic, the chair advises to stay focused on the issue at hand. This concept is also used when one delves too deep in any subject or spreads too wide, more than needed. You can't afford to spread yourself too thin or try to do everything at once. In such situations, we advise him/her to focus on the issue at hand. This strategy helps...

Recently I watched a Hindi movie, Chaman Bahar, on an online streaming platform. Starring Jitendra Kumar and Ritika Badiani, the movie is directed by Apurva Dhar Badgaiyann. The movie is certainly not one of the 100 crore clubs but is in the...

June 21 is celebrated as the International Day of Yoga (IDY) since it was so adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2014. First IDY was celebrated in June 2015 and this year it was the sixth IDY. Celebrated all over the world, with a message...

This is an unprecedented time. Only a few living humans have seen such a situation in their lifetimes. People are losing lives and jobs, both with little notice. In such a time of crisis, if you have lost a job or incurred losses in business,...

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