When things don't go as per your expectations

What happens when you expect something so much, but it does not happen?

Focus on the issue at hand

Focus on the issue at hand - you might have come across this phrase a number of times in your professional life. In a meeting when some employees divert from the main topic, the chair advises to stay focused on the issue at hand. This concept is also used when one delves too deep in any subject or spreads too wide, more than needed. You can't afford to spread yourself too thin or try to do everything at once. In such situations, we advise him/her to focus on the issue at hand. This strategy helps...

Conflict of choice is a situation we face frequently in life. While sitting in a restaurant, looking at the menu, there are a number of conflicting choices in mind, hustling with each other to get priority. When deciding on a career, getting...

Using aggressive body language is a sign of an inability to find appropriate words to express your feelings. You might be angry and would like to convey it, but can it be done without raising your voice or being aggressive? Can the displeasure...

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