Introspection- Zanshin: Enhancing efficiency through Japanese wisdom

Zanshin is a profound Japanese concept that literally translates to "remaining mind." It means a state of relaxed alertness and heightened awareness.

Introspection: Success is reducing the difference between 'Can' and 'Will'

Often, we say, "I can do this." But this 'can' does not necessarily lead to action unless accompanied by a firm commitment: "I will do this," followed by actually doing it.

Everything is changing. And they are changing so quickly that we are not getting time to absorb what has already happened before a new change comes. The transformation from the Machines Age to the Internet Age and now the forthcoming Artificial...

We all are vulnerable. Though reason and degree might differ, there would be hardly anyone breathing on this planet who has overcome vulnerability. Some people are vulnerable because of their past, and others because of their emotional weaknesses....

How do you tackle daily tasks? Are you the one who likes to make a To Do List in the morning or belong to the category of people who take the day as it comes? There are both categories of people, even at higher positions, who have been quite...

In today's time, it is a fashion to be busy or at least appear to be occupied. Even those who are unemployed are saying that they are hard-pressed. No one has time. People are permanently in a hurry and have no time for simple things in life....

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