No More shaming the night owls

Night owls tend to be mentally sharper than morning people, according to a study.

Regular walks effective for relieving low back pain

Research published in The Lancet journal suggests that the simple act of walking can significantly alleviate low back pain, based on a study involving approximately 700 adults who had recently recovered from such pain episodes.

Atcha- the new kind of Indian

The national lockdown starting from 5 November 2020 means the diaspora will be celebrating Diwali under strict rules. It means some people will be stuck alone at home and meeting loved ones only virtually. There will also be the yearning to...

Zaman, a feast of flavours

A celebration among British Asians will always include a grand feast, whether it is at home or restaurant, no jubilation is complete without eating well. A few weeks ago, I visited the Zaman restaurant, which has recently been taken over by...

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