The most lovable police inspector Chulbul Pandey (Salman Khan) is back to entertain his fans. Following the previous two blockbuster hits Sonakshi Sinha...
The film revolves around the love story of Rocky and Rani, as the title suggests, between a stereotypical flamboyant Punjabi boy who meets an intellectual Bengali girl under unusual circumstances. And love conquers all. But if only life was...
Ajeeb Dastans is an anthology of four short films and is produced by the super Producer/Director Karan Johar. The premise of the film is that each story will bring us a shocking and horrifying twist that we were not betting on.
The most lovable police inspector Chulbul Pandey (Salman Khan) is back to entertain his fans. Following the previous two blockbuster hits Sonakshi Sinha...
Genre: RomComDuration: 85 minutesThis festive season, if you are alone and planning to binge on Ben & Jerry's ice-cream and make the most of your Netflix...
Genre: Action Thriller FilmDuration: 103 minutesRape is a sensitive subject. And Mardaani 2 is released against the backdrop of the “rape culture” that...
Panipat is based on the third battle of Panipat in the 18th century India. It attempts to chronicle the war that took place between the Marathas, who had...