Nitin TeckChandani: Robothink

Robothink, a leading coding, robotics, and engineering company, is making significant strides in preparing children aged 4 to 14 through STEM-themed camps, workshops and afterschool and learning centre programmes for children

SPOTLIGHT: Anandana Nadhavajhala: Universal Yoga

You can hear the meditative cool straight away in Anandana’s voice: her regular classes must surely be transformative! Indeed, the young yoga teacher is award-winning and focuses significantly on special needs while catering to a range of young...

Nominated for Pet Plan's national Nurse of the Year Award by a public vote, twice in a row, Head Veterinary nurse, Kavita, gave us some insights into the nuances of her valuable yet underrepresented work

In today’s climate, to be ‘Transnational’ is to be provocative: not least because this cheekily challenges the concept of any cultural label.  Up- and-coming...

Instantly evoking the imagery of champagne and relaxation, the aptly named, Foam & Bubbles, is a unique bathroom design and installation company defined by its signature sophistication

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