A lighter look at racism in Britain

An astute observer of British life once said: “If you see a white man dashing down the street, he is running to catch a bus. If it’s a black man sprinting, he must be running away from the police.”

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Within hours of the Buckingham Palace ceremony on 13th July, our Prime Minister, Mrs Theresa May, swung into action and announced the key ministerial positions. She has not wasted a single moment to show that she meant it when she said “Brexit...

Bloodbath in Bangladesh and now it is in France. The French were celebrating their annual Bastille Day on 14 July 2016 – the day of liberty, equality and fraternity but instead of celebration and jubilation they are mourning the death of 84...

On 11 June 2016 our Lords in the House of Lords found more time to breast beat about the introduction of Caste legislation. Outraged Lords Harries, Cashman, Baroness Thornton, Lord Desai and Baroness Flather expressed their collective outrage....

After a long rein of the first lady prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, Britain now has another lady PM. We wish Theresa May every success in her new high profile job.

In a matter of just little over six months, France has been sadly struck with another terror attack in Nice, killing 84 innocent people consisting of children, women and elders at a Bastilee Day Celebration. This is a cowardly act of war justified...

It will most appropriate for someone from the ‘Remain’ side is elected the Prime minister of the Tory Party in order to carry out the negotiations with the E.U. for accessing the single market rather than someone from Brexit side. Remain side...

The Chilcot Report, which was the result of seven years of diligent inquiry about the Iraq war, came out with the following conclusions:

Subject about deafness and early treatment in Gujarat Samachar dated 9-7-2016, covered only half the information about hearing mechanism, loss of hearing and hearing aids. Deafness is caused by constant loud noises e.g. domestic/ industrial/...

I was disappointed that the Letter Writers’ get together on Monday, 27 June at the House of Lords had to be cancelled. When I am not expecting any important e-mails, I only check the In-Box on my main computer for new mails once in the morning...

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