A lighter look at racism in Britain

An astute observer of British life once said: “If you see a white man dashing down the street, he is running to catch a bus. If it’s a black man sprinting, he must be running away from the police.”

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Kumudiben’s letter in Asian Voice dated 23-7-2016 quoting Late Nelson Mandela, “You gave us Mohandas; we returned him to you as Mahatma Gandhi” brings about fond memories of Kenya and Indian word “harambe” used by all and sundry. The word was...

On the auspicious day of Guru Purnima one of the followers of Hindu sect called me and conveyed holy wishes on Guru Purnima for healthy, happy and peaceful life for our family and their Guru's blessings. Then he told me that on this day it is...

I am pleasantly surprised that Ramesh Zhalla, who is normally opposed to my views or suggestions, has expressed his support to my indirect suggestion that a telephone call rather than the e-mails from ABPL telling me that the 'Meet and Greet'...

Though the referendum has pointed the way out of the EU, it seems to be a bit of an emotional outcome without giving some serious consideration and thought for future repercussions.

Why are terrorists throughout the world doing horrible acts where thousands of innocent people, of all ages and casts, are being killed in cold blood?

I distinctly remember Indira Gandhi’s visit to Tanzania just before country gained independence. Her advice to local Indians was to be loyal, integrate with local Africans and apply for the citizenship. Her advice was ignored, as with Africanization...

Since the 2012 Olympic Games held in London, British Sport has enjoyed unprecedented success, mainly due to lottery money pouring in sport. Sunday, 12th July was indeed proud day to be a Brit, Andy Murray winning Wimbledon with Heather Watson...

In Asian Voice of 16-7-2016, Dinesh Sheth mentioned his disappointment at cancellation of letter writers’ meeting. He initiated the whole event and made it cause celebre’, doubling his disappointment. I also check my emails before breakfast...

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