Britain and E.U. negotiations

Tuesday 12th July 2016 18:52 EDT

It will most appropriate for someone from the ‘Remain’ side is elected the Prime minister of the Tory Party in order to carry out the negotiations with the E.U. for accessing the single market rather than someone from Brexit side. Remain side will be more welcome and acceptable. E.U. will more flexible and accommodating with them than with Brexit side.

There is already bad blood between Brexit and E.U. and any negotiations between them will be fraught with mistrust and hostility. This will result in getting a bad deal for Britain. Brexit has demonised E.U. and its institutions and has created conditions for its break-up, notwithstanding the economic and financial damage it has already done globally by exiting from the E.U. through false and misleading propaganda and misinformation. They have already started reneging on what they had promised and will continue doing so. They have led the British people up the garden path.

It would be appropriate for the negotiating team to include representatives from the opposition parties in order to present a united front to the E.U. and to give a comprehensive terms of reference in order to include all points of views. This will foster better relations within Britain and E.U.

Baldev Sharma

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