Picking the cherry

A recent Hometrack survey shows that 373,000 property transactions have been stalled as a consequence of the current lockdown, worth about £82bn

Sow & Reap

Interesting times.  Currently, we are being fed information regarding something we cannot see or have a grip off.  Therefore, we are lapping up all we are fed.  Even the official narrative does not make sense, even within its own narrative.

We currently have a client whose project has planning for three flats on the ground floor of a two storey building; this was obtained using the permitted development rules.  Work has not started as there is a bigger agenda to this development. ...

We are currently exploring a deal which has the potential for a buy and resell. It consists of a freehold block of flats. The property was made to hold within the family, not to resell back on. From the photos, the construction looks extremely...

Interesting times in the financing world.  Many lenders pulled their fixed rates overnight, leaving purchasers with only the option of a variable rate.  The reason for choosing fixed rates is to insulate the borrower from future price rises. ...

An interesting segment to look at when digging for deals is the unsold section of the auctions.  This is where a property has been through the auction process and has not sold.  Often auctioneers, especially so the bigger ones, prior to taking...

We are about to, hopefully, complete on a financing deal which we have been trying to get over the line for the best part of a year. The property is a mixed use freehold, currently. A now extremely low rate of 4.34% fixed for 5 years had been...

I’m due to see a couple of properties this week, on the other side of London.  I have seen them previously, the best part of a year ago.  This was when the agent was not instructed, the vendor was just fishing around.  However, due to our relationship...

We are currently dealing with financing some ‘illegal’ conversions. Back in the day when planning was more relaxed than now, many developers were of the opinion they could simply crack on with the work, and apply for what’s known as established...

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