Struggles of parents with young children highlighted

In its annual survey, the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) has raised concerns about the growing risks to children's futures due to escalating debt, deteriorating mental health, and the high cost and scarcity of childcare. 

"Covid had serious consequences, and the response should have been much more effective"

The UK government "failed" its citizens through inadequate processes, planning, and policies ahead of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a public inquiry.

Remembering Shri Khodidasbhai Dhamecha on his second death anniversary

The strong foundation of heritage, philanthropy and service built by Shri Khodidasbhai Dhamecha is an inspiration for future generations and our communities. 

Tribute to Pravinbhai Sangani: Community pioneer and Renaissance Man

Pravinkumar Girdharlal Sangani, a well known figure from Birmingham’s Hindu Community passed away in Australia last week, aged 77, after a short illness.  

HHolocaust Memorial Day returns on Friday,  27 January 2023. This is to commemorate the systematic killing of millions of Jewish people by Nazi Germany and the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur. Between 1941 and 1945, six million...

Every year, 30 January is observed as Gandhi Nirvan Divas – the day Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. 

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