A lighter look at racism in Britain

An astute observer of British life once said: “If you see a white man dashing down the street, he is running to catch a bus. If it’s a black man sprinting, he must be running away from the police.”

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

It was interesting reading Lord Popat’s in-depth summarisation of Dr Shashi Tharoor’s widely publicised book “Inglorious Empire” in AV. Congress MP Dr Shashi Tharoor is no doubt an intelligent politician at international level, being Deputy...

NASA, the world renowned “US Space Agency” has just announced their latest amaz- ing discovery of seven earth size planets orbiting the Star, life sustaining Sun like our own. All seven planets are placed much closer, unlike our own planetary...

A report published recently conains a poster which depicts that hatred towards ethnic minority people (BME) has been on the rise since the Brexit process has begun. It is human nature to level the cause of our problems at others. People try...

If you find yourself continually at loggerheads with one or more persons (family mem- bers, friends, work colleagues), the conflict between you must have arisen in previous incarnations, and the individuals concerned will keep returning together...

First of all may I thank you Prime Minister, for email, 'Our Plan for Britain', The Young Old, Rich Poor and All in Britiain! I commend you for invoking Article 50 for BREXIT from EU. Britain is the biggest economy in EU, we have more than 3...

If you find yourself continually at loggerheads with one or more persons (family members, friends, work colleagues), the conflict between you must have arisen in previous incarnations, and the individuals concerned will keep returning together...

NASA, the world renowned “US Space Agency” has just announced their latest amazing discovery of seven earth size planets orbiting the Star, life sustaining Sun like our own. All seven planets are placed much closer, unlike our own planetary...

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