Ghostcloud is a riveting, magical adventure set deep underneath a richly reimagined London. It follows the story of Luke and his friends- children who...
Rezia Wahid MBE is a Bangladeshi-born British textile artist whose work is deeply influenced by her personal journey and culture. Moving to the UK at the age of five, Rezia was struck by the contrast between the vibrant textiles of her homeland—saris,...
Starting October 5, the Barbican will showcase ‘The Imaginary Institution of India: Art 1975-1998’, the world’s first exhibition to explore and chart a transformative period in Indian cultural and political history.
Ghostcloud is a riveting, magical adventure set deep underneath a richly reimagined London. It follows the story of Luke and his friends- children who...
The Canticle of the Sun (translated as Praise of the Creatures) is an Umbrian prayer written by St Francis of Assisi in 1224 celebrating the unity of nature,...
PRS for Music have announced that Rupinder Virdee has been appointed Head of PR, Marketing & Digital.
Blind and partially sighted people of South Asian heritage have taken to the dance floor to perform for a live audience for the very first time.
The North of England’s leading literature festival – Bradford Literature Festival (BLF) – today announces the full 2022 programme for its eighth annual live in-person festival featuring over 500 events for adults and children across 10 remarkable...
The human mind has always craved puzzles and challenges. It could range from a board game to an inventor's dilemma, but nothing has probably intrigued...
With an objective of acknowledging and appreciating the young cultural ambassadors based in the UK, nationwide Dance and Music Competitions in three streams,...
The Second World War was a global struggle on an unprecedented scale, the likes of which have never been seen since. From London to Hamburg, Nanking to Manitoba, Dar-es-Salaam to Rawalpindi, Detroit to Stalingrad, the war affected everyone.
MasterChef UK contestant 36-year-old Sonu (Sanskruti) was born and grew up in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. After getting married, she migrated to the UK...
Advait Kolarkar’s first solo exhibition in London following the artist's previous successes including the New York ArtExpo, London Art Biennale 2021 and...