Renowned as one of the first few BBC Asian female presenters, Sahera Chohan has relaunched her late husband's book, Twenty Twenty. The book was first published...
Chloe Abrahams is a Sri Lankan-British artist and filmmaker whose debut non-fiction film, “The Taste of Mango”, premiered at True/False 2023, where it was ranked the #1 film by Sight & Sound. The film received critical acclaim, winning the Audience...
Darbar Festival, one of world's largest festival of Indian classical music, outside India, returned to the Barbican centre in London from 24-27 October, with a magical mix of emerging and young talent with master performers making their UK debuts.
Renowned as one of the first few BBC Asian female presenters, Sahera Chohan has relaunched her late husband's book, Twenty Twenty. The book was first published...
Twenty Twenty foretells the events of the year 2020, where an ageing writer infected with a deadly virus and despairing of mankind’s continuing damage...
To educate children about Sikhism, a group of fathers in Coventry have designed a new children’s book to help young people in learning about the religion...
Jashn-e-Rekhta will present 32 digital sessions across three stages over the weekend for the UK.
To mark the end of 75 years since World War II, the National Army Museum held a virtual event “India at War” with the author of the book ‘The Raj at War’...
Bringing together critical perspectives on theatre, the Theatre Critics Conference had a session on “The Need for Critics”. The Panelists included Gayatri...
Our frontline workers have surpassed all limits of tolerance and discomfort by the virtue of their responsibility towards Covid-19 patients. Countless...
When the world underwent a lockdown, the first thing that most people did to engage themselves was to turn towards artists. Art became an integral part...
In an hour-long conversation with Kavita on a Friday afternoon, she told us how she came to Mumbai. We spoke about her selective taste in giving playback...
What we can learn from this pandemic, or, perhaps what we better learn is how to let others grieve if they have lost someone dear during these testing...