Desecration of a Gurdwara ?

News broke this week that another Gurdwara might have been desecrated by extremists.

Jammu and Kashmir in UK Parliament

On Monday 18th September the APPG for Indo-Pacific met to discuss issues related to Jammu and Kashmir. On the same day PM Modi inaugurated the special parliamentary session in the old Sansad whichthen moved to the new Bharat Sansad Bhavan on...

There was a time when the Romans felt the sun would never set on their vast empire. We can say the same about the Mongol Empire, Russian Empire, Qing Dynasty, Spanish Empire, French colonial empire, Abbasid Caliphate, Umayyad Caliphate, Yuan...

PM Sunak has fired the gun and the race to save the nation is on. On 4th July, a day steeped in history, the great British public will have the right to vote for their next government. The fate of the nation now rests with the people. We have...

Labour MP, Sam Tarry (Ilford South)made an astonishing statement in the House of Commons when he said, "Today in Parliament I called for the creation of a Palestinian family visa scheme. This should bring Palestinian refugees to safety in the...

The largest and the most complex elections have started in India (Bharat). They commenced on 19 April and will continue until 1 June 2024 and will take place in seven phases. And this massive endeavour galvanised to elect 543 members of the...

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