Six daily habits to boost your mood instantly

Wednesday 22nd July 2020 06:32 EDT

One fourth of people in the UK experience mental health problems each year. And worries about things like money and jobs can make it harder for people to cope. According to the NHS, this includes conditions such as anxiety (5.9 per cent), depression (3.3 per cent) and post traumatic stress disorder (4.4 per cent).

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However, if you feel your mood starting to dip and need a pick up, there are a few things you can do for yourself to give your mental health a boost. According to Dr Natasha Bijlani the below mentioned steps can help you feel stronger and face the day ahead.


Obviously, a healthy diet is important if you want to feel good about how your body looks on the outside, but nutrition can also play a vital role in how you feel on the inside. While mental health is traditionally thought of as emotionally-rooted, what you eat is now thought to play a key role in the onset as well as severity and duration of depression.

Depressed people tend to skip meals or select sugary junk foods which are thought to contribute to low mood. "Healthy eating habits contribute to optimal body function including brain processes and performance," says Bijlani." As outlined in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, ensuring that you follow a diet rich in complex carbohydrates, essential fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals alongside plenty of water can contribute to a balanced mood, so aim to eat well every single day.

When you’re depressed, the first instinct is often to retreat inwards and isolate yourself, rather than reach out to friends and ask for help. If you’re feeling down you might find yourself withdrawing from friends and family. Studies have also shown that socialising alters brain activity which decreases stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms and supports calm and happy feelings


The importance of a good night’s sleep is common knowledge these days. But the two-thirds of Brits who reportedly suffer with sleep-related problems on a regular basis might not realise that sleep deprivation also plays a vital role in your mental health too. Insomnia is generally regarded as a symptom of depression, but new research suggests that lack of sleep may actually be a cause of it. "Poor sleep or oversleeping can also affect mood, energy and concentration levels alongside very many adverse physical consequences," says Bijlani. Keep regular sleeping hours and aim to get a healthy amount each night to keep your mental health in check.


Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise should convince you that fitness is one of the fundamental elements of good mental health. Research suggests that exercise and physical activity are associated with better quality of life and positive mental health outcomes to boot. Mental health is inextricably linked with physical health and the old saying “a healthy body leads to a healthy mind” may not have been originally derived as a result of a sound evidence, as modern science demands, but is definitely true and has been proven many times since," says Bijlani.

Fresh air

A breath of fresh air in the outdoors can work wonders for your mental health. A recent study found that walking in woodland contributed to decreased levels of anxiety and bad moods, and another found that outdoor walks helped with major depressive disorder. Walking in nature has also been found to boost memory more than urban environments and in another study, researchers found a decrease in both the heart rates and cortisol levels of of participants who spent time in the forest compared to the city.


Everyone likes a hug. However, did you know that, like eating, sleeping and breathing, physical contact is a fundamental part of human nature? According to research, regularly touching people promotes emotional wellbeing in everyone from babies to OAPs, while another study found that hugging can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

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