Anushka Sen, known for her role in 'Dil Dosti Dilemma,' boasts a sizable social media following garnered from her success in various hit TV shows. Now, she ventures into new territory, portraying an assassin in the upcoming international film...
The film revolves around the love story of Rocky and Rani, as the title suggests, between a stereotypical flamboyant Punjabi boy who meets an intellectual Bengali girl under unusual circumstances. And love conquers all. But if only life was...
Ajeeb Dastans is an anthology of four short films and is produced by the super Producer/Director Karan Johar. The premise of the film is that each story will bring us a shocking and horrifying twist that we were not betting on.
Anushka Sen, known for her role in 'Dil Dosti Dilemma,' boasts a sizable social media following garnered from her success in various hit TV shows. Now, she ventures into new territory, portraying an assassin in the upcoming international film...
Veteran actor Farida Jalal, renowned for her diverse roles in films and television, recently portrayed a pivotal character in "Heeramandi." In a recent interview, she addressed the criticism faced by her co-star Sharmin Segal regarding her performance...
Ananya Pandey continues to shine in both her film projects and personal life, maintaining her presence in the limelight. Now, the actress's voice will grace an animated film, none other than the sequel to Inside Out.
As per Ormax Media, "Panchayat" Season 3, featuring the highly talented Jitendra Kumar, has emerged as the top-viewed series on Indian streaming platforms.
At the Mumbai screening of his late mother Smita Patil’s film, Manthan, Prateik Babbar made a style statement by wearing a suit made from her Kanjeevaram sarees. Designed by Rahul Vijay, the outfit was highlighted in an Instagram post where...
Actress Sanya Malhotra has been nominated for Best Actress for her role in "Mrs" at the upcoming 2024 New York Indian Film Festival. The film's director, Arati Kadav, is also nominated for Best Director. Jio Studios shared the news on their...
"Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, premiered on Netflix on May 1 to mixed reviews. Praised for its grand sets but criticised for some performances, the series was initially deemed a one-time project by Bhansali....
For a wedding at Mukesh Ambani's residence, extravagance is the norm. Following a lavish pre-wedding celebration for their youngest child, Mukesh and Nita Ambani are now organising another pre-wedding event for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant....
Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali discussed a tense moment he experienced with actor Richa Chadha on the set of his debut streaming series, "Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar." Bhansali revealed that he reached his limit of patience with Richa when...
Neena Gupta, gearing up to reprise her role as Manju Devi in the third season of "Panchayat," recently opened up about various aspects of her life. Despite being labelled as a ‘rebel star’ and ‘bold actress,’ she revealed in an interview that...