Secondary tables - poor pupils behind for next 70 years

Tuesday 29th January 2019 09:17 EST

As secondary school tables are published, BBC analysis shows it will take over 70 years for poorer pupils to catch up with their peers at GCSE.

If the pace of change remains the same as it has been since 2011, poor pupils will not do as well until the 2090s. The data shows the achievement between the poorest pupils in England and their classmates is closing but very slowly.

This year, 24.9% of the poorest pupils got good passes in English and maths GCSE, compared with 50.1% of the rest.

The league tables give national data, as well as details of how each school has performed.

Readers can check how schools in their area have performed through the BBC's postcode search below.

The disadvantage gap has shrunk almost every year since 2011 but at a slow pace.

To assess this gap, the government uses GCSE results in English and maths.

The results of pupils classed as the most disadvantaged are compared with the results of all the other pupils.

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