Groundbreaking ceremony at Avanti House

Wednesday 09th November 2016 12:10 EST

After years of effort, support and hard work, the groundbreaking ceremony for Avanti House Secondary School's permanent site of 20 acres took place on Monday 17th October 2016.

The event saw the first spade being dig into the ground by special guest, His Holiness Radhanath Swami, who spoke about the need for education based on moral and spiritual principles in his keynote address.

The Leader of Harrow Council Sachin Shah, Mayor Rekha Shah, local MP Bob Blackman and Assembly Member Navin Shah, all made encouraging speeches. Chair of the local residents association Melanie Lewis and staff from neighbouring Whitchurch Primary School also came to show their support along with other invited guests.

Students from year 10 and year 11 were present along with members of staff, many of whom have been with the school since opening in 2012. Construction will begin on November 17th and is anticipated to take 18 months.

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