Make selfcare a priority

Mamta Saha Thursday 04th January 2024 01:36 EST

Hi Readers, nice to meet you, my name is Mamta and I’m very happy to be here today. For those of you who don’t know me, by way of introduction I’m a Business Psychologist, mother of three girls and wife to Rishi. I look forward to sharing more about myself with you soon.

It’s a perfect time of year to think about how you can upgrade the way you take care of your mental health. Just because you can’t see your feelings and thoughts it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Quite the opposite, they can and do make themselves known through your body which is a portal, if you listen close enough you can hear it communicating clues and messages that are coming through nearly all the time.

Clients often tell me they’re too busy to exercise, meditate, tend to their thoughts and feelings. I do understand, life can feel very full on with our never-ending daily jobs and goals to achieve. However, we should also contemplate what is being missed if we don’t create some time in our day to truly understand our emotional and mental state. From what I have seen with the organisations, clients and friends I have come across is that your body keeps score and often ‘dis-ease’ in the mind shows up at ‘disease’ in the body.

Today, I’m going to share three things that you can do to help you feel lighter, fresher and clearer as you head into 2024. My tips will be practical, through provoking and proven to be successful and I encourage you to cut this article out and keep it so you can always look back at it to remind yourself of how you can get closer to your best self.

  1. Journal: Write out your thoughts, feelings and musings in a safe place. There is scientific evidence that has shown journaling to be a powerful way to heal, feel lighter and let go. Ask yourself what you are holding onto that really needs to be let go of. Wrongs and battles, grief, family, friends’ politics and judgments of yourself and others. These are just some of the things that can way heavy on our hearts. When you use a blank piece of paper to release you give your thoughts and feelings the space to be validated and let go of.  
  2. Meditate: Spend some time alone to stop and breathe. Just sit in silence of walk mindfully in nature and allow yourself to be. Your ‘to-do ‘list may pop into your brain, and you may also feel as though you have better things to be doing and on top of that, just breathe and be. Nature never rushes and still managed to achieve all that it must. Meditating has been scientifically proven to help you become more resilient to manage fear and anxiety. Meditating teaches you to learn the difference between reacting and responding. This form of self-care helps you to be at your best – you deserve nothing less.
  3. Share: Find a trusted space and share your feelings. Speak to someone who will listen without judging you and will give you the space to speak from your heart. If you look around and feel that you don’t have access to this kind of community, call the Samaritans helpline, its free and a brilliant resource for you to lighten your load and let go in a safe space.

I’d love to know how you get on, email me your thoughts and questions: [email protected]. Follow on IG: Saha_Mamta and download my free e-book: Good luck and happy 202

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