One to One: Jay Parmar Associate Partner - Estate Planning

Keith Vaz Wednesday 02nd March 2022 05:43 EST

Jay specializes in Wills and Estate Planning in a firm Paradigm Will & Legal Services covering the UK. His aim is to take away the legal headache upon the death of a loved one and ensure the wrong person does not inherit.  Jay has been married for 15 years to Jyoti and is a proud father of two boys Theeran and Khian. When Jay is not working he likes eating out with family and friends and enjoys listening to his favourite music which he finds very relaxing taking away the stress and strain of daily life.



1)  Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in? 


Birmingham - during my childhood, as my parents worked hard to ensure they could provide the best for us, they sent my brother and I to my Grandparents who ensured we had a stable upbringing.  My Gran is one of the most amazing people in the world and ensured we were always happy when away from our parents.  My most current project is to establish our firm in Birmingham which was music to my ears.


2) What are your proudest achievements? 


Becoming a father.  My wife and I were always advised that we could not have children and after years of trying, the miracle happened with the Birth of my eldest, the second son was even more of a shocker but still great.


3) What inspires you? 


My family truly inspires me.  Especially the elder generation, that came to the UK and started with nothing, then built up businesses while adapting to a new culture.  Thanks to them my generation were provided some great opportunities in our families.


4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career? 


People saying, I am not capable.  I used to believe that for a while however life taught me that these matters are all in my control.  I started to focus on my tasks and learn on how to tackle these to overcome them. These days I can do anything I put my mind to.


5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date? 


My first ever Employer – Harish Parmar.  This person taught me so much in my career that remains with me to this day.  How to approach business, to leave a positive lasting impression, not to take things personally and to be persistent persevere.


6) What is the best aspect about your current role? 


Support my clients in a positive manner.  Especially when minors are concerned.  As when both biological parents die, by default children automatically go into care however I can provide assistance in appointing a guardian through their Will to raise their children.


7) And the worst? 


When hearing about my clients passing away as we genuinely build a great relationship with them due to the amount of time spent and information shared.  Another difficult part would be watching families destroyed over money.  I have seen the closest of families torn apart due to greed.  


8) What are your long term goals? 


I’d like to concentrate on charitable efforts, one that is something my family and I would like to do more of is supporting the homeless.


9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change? 


Something that is important to me is to regulate the Wills industry.  Many companies out there are charging clients for this service and not providing a Will that is suitable for their beneficiaries.  


10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why. 


The Notorious B.I.G. AKA Biggie Smalls – In my opinion, one of the greatest rappers ever lived.  Biggie always had a story to tell and I always wanted to listen!  His music is always on my playlists as it was always a big part of my youth.

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