Anisha started training in ballet when she was three-and-a-half years old. Along with ballet, she has learnt other genres like Tap, Modern, Greek and Lyrical. She also takes singing classes every week, and sings in her local church choir every Sunday at St James the Greater, Leicester.
Anisha is aged only 11, has won herself a much-coveted admission to the Royal Ballet School - a place that only 12-15 girls from around the world have a chance to land in Year 7. Along with the Royal Ballet School, she auditioned for a place at the Tring Park Performing Arts School and Elmhurst Ballet School, she was successful in gaining an MDS (Music & Dance Scheme) aided place at the Royal Ballet School, a fully funded place at Tring and also an MDS aided place at Elmhurst.
Anisha will be moving to White Lodge, Richmond Park in September as a boarding student to train in ballet, along with continuing her Key Stage 3 & 4 academics.
1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?
For me, Leicester is, and always will be, my home, as I’ve been born and brought up in this wonderful, historical city.
2) What are your proudest achievements?
Getting into White Lodge at The Royal Ballet School to continue my vocational ballet studies has been an absolutely huge highlight
3) What inspires you?
Both my ballet teachers Mr. Sander and Miss Annette as they both made me fall in love with his beautiful art form called ‘Ballet’.
4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career?
Getting through my auditions and successfully gaining places at all three schools that I have auditioned for.
5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?
Definitely Francesca Hayward, a principal dancer with the Royal Ballet, after watching her documentary about her journey from being a Royal Ballet School Junior Associate to becoming a Principal Dancer at Royal Ballet.
6) What is the best aspect about your current role?
Being more independent and learning ballet, which I love the most.
7) And the worst?
Missing home, my parents and brother.
8) What are your long term goals?
To become a Principal Dancer with the Royal Ballet, Royal Opera House
9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?
To educate more about active sports and athletics in our community.
10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why.
Mr George Balanchine, for his creativity and knowledge of ballet.