Abdul Basit Syed

Wednesday 12th June 2019 07:58 EDT

Abdul Basit Syed is an internationally recognised Peace Activist and British Entrepreneur. is the Founding Chairman and Board of Director for UK Charity “World Humanitarian Drive” and “Platinum Consultant London” for Trading and Developments. He was born in Tamil Nadu, India. He comes from a family of a national hero from South India. His grandfather PKS Kattuwa Mohaiyadeen was an Indian Freedom Fighter, and a leader in the region claiming alot of respect, and was famous for his social activities and community services. He is also the Vice President of 'Space Kidz India', and working towards promoting Art, Science and Culture for students, to create an International Platform for the same. As SKI being Ambassadors to the 'NASA' Space Camps, Pioneers in organizing International workshops in the Field of Robotics and Engineering Sciences. Extended opportunity to perform at the Royal Hall, South Bank, their team is in a constant Search for young talents in the field of Science and Technology and also provide young students International exposure apart from extending an opportunity to meet up with eminent Space Scientists and rub shoulder's with them. The 'Young Scientist Program' was designed to promote science awareness to high school students, to increase their understanding of science and to attract them into scientific careers to connect and collaborate with others into new discoveries. As an Peace Activist he promotes interfaith dialogues to bring about integration of all communities living in the UK and to express themselves as Universal Citizens regardless of their origin, culture, colour, gender or religion and support the British economy by bringing foreign investments. They intiated the idea 'Trade for Peace', this action was mainly to establish a universal trend of equality of all human beings regardless of race or religion by promoting Indian values of Unity in Diversity through trade.

1 Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?

Croydon, United Kingdom

2 What are your proudest achievements?

Mahatma Gandhi Award presented by Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP, Employment Minister at the House of Commons and “Peace Award” for Promoting Peace and Education along with Lord Diljit Singh Rana MBE, Presented by the Indian Prime Minister's office Minister Hon. Dr Jitendra Singh.

3 What inspires you?

Her Majesty The Queen, is my inspiration for my mission to promote education for humanity towards peace and harmony regardless of race, religion or nationality, her continuity and dedication to our country makes me very proud to be British.

4 What has been biggest obstacle in your career?

Backward thinking, Intolerant religious minds

5 Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?

I began actively involving in community activities, when I witnessed the unfortunate incident of a well-loved British soldier Lee Rigby in 2013. I initiated solutions for similar terrorism activities with the sole purpose of bringing peace and harmony among various sectors of the community promoting the prevention of similar activities in the future.

6 What is the best aspect about your current role?

Proud of being able to work towards finding sustainable solutions for current humanitarian crisis involving Racism, Terrorism, Radicalisation, Human and Women’s Rights and Violence and Mass migration of people as refugees and supporting trade intiatives.

7 And the worst? Frequent travels

8 What are your long term goals? Empowering young minds to promote peace, education and harmony

9 If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?

As a Prime Minister, I would work more towards integration, education and make it a legal right for every citizen to own a home and support trade more. Although it would be a great honour to serve my country as a Prime Minister, however politics is not my cup of tea.

10 If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why.

Sir Winston Churchill, and ask him does he regret not going to sea with the fleet and watch the D-day landings from HMS Belfast.

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