Finding ways to protect the valued services

Cllr David Perry Wednesday 05th August 2015 07:03 EDT

Now that the new Conservative Government has got their feet under the table we’re starting to see the true extent of their planned cuts – and it doesn’t look good for Harrow.

I am extremely concerned that the welcome rise in the minimum wage will be more than wiped out by the cuts to tax credits and a freeze on all working age benefits; for families already struggling to get by or in danger of falling into debt every penny counts and these changes will push some families and residents in Harrow over the edge.

Whether you agree with the £12bn of welfare cuts or not what is undeniable is the additional pressure it will put on Councils. The cuts to Housing Benefits, amongst other changes, may mean we have to house even more families in Bed & Breakfast’s and will make rents more unaffordable for even more residents. It’s a worrying time for both the Council and our residents.

Despite these cuts we will be getting on with business. We are starting a major campaign to be the best Council in London for rates of recycling. As a part of making the Borough cleaner we have also introduced on the spot fines for spitting and littering, with officers on the street issuing fines to people who make our streets dirtier. We have also rolled out a licensing scheme for landlords in the Borough, a part of which is aimed at ensuring that the area outside their properties are kept clean and tidy.

All of this means we will have to roll up our sleeves and get on with the job of looking to find any and every way possible to make back office savings and run services more efficiently to protect our residents from these cuts. Whether its sharing services with other Councils or cutting management we will try to find ways to protect the services our residents value.

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