Tackling repercussions of online presence

Tech Meets Law: Asian entrepreneur's start-up sets new UK standard for online privacy

Wednesday 29th November 2023 04:23 EST

A South Wales entrepreneur has chosen to put his legal skills to good use with the launch of a new business that will help individuals protect their reputations online.


Jeevan Mann, who graduated from Swansea University in 2022, is aiming to help UK citizens tap into the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ legislation introduced under UK GDPR rules.


It means his company - Reputation Online - can assist clients in removing unwanted personal content from major search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.


Around £20,000 of his own money has been invested into launching the venture and creating a custom-built online portal to securely handle all cases quickly and efficiently by a team of legal experts carefully assembled from across the UK.


Funding has also been used in purchasing office space in Cardiff, securing the valuable www.reputation.online website address and marketing activities designed at educating people on the importance of ensuring your online presence does not cause you issues with work and in day-to-day life.


Mann spoke exclusively to Asian Voice about this.


What is at stake for anyone who has an online presence?

In today's digital age, virtually everyone has some form of online presence, which brings significant risks alongside its benefits. Personal and professional reputations can be profoundly impacted by online content. Negative or misleading information that appears in search engine results or on social media can damage reputations, hinder career opportunities, and affect personal relationships, and have a huge mental health impact.

How does your initiative help tackle some of the repercussions of having an online presence?

We tackle the repercussions of an online presence by removing harmful content and misinformation from Google, Bing (and other search engines) and various websites. We also aid in rebuilding and enhancing online reputations through positive press, ensuring that individuals' digital footprints reflect their true persona.

Why do you think protecting online privacy is more important than ever now?

Protecting online privacy is crucial now more than ever due to the increasing amount of personal information available online. With the rise of social media and digital platforms, personal data is more exposed and susceptible to misuse. The emergence of technologies like deepfakes and widespread fake images further compounds these risks. Privacy breaches can lead to serious consequences such as identity theft and cyberbullying. It's essential that we ensure robust privacy measures to safeguard individuals from these vulnerabilities.

Can you bust some myths or give some unknown facts for our readers who may not know the hazards of online privacy infringement?

A common myth is that ‘private’ or ‘incognito’ modes in browsers offer complete privacy, which is not the case. They may not track your history, but your activity can still be visible to websites, your employer, or your internet service provider. Another lesser-known fact is that deleted content can often still be recovered or remain on servers long after deletion. Understanding these nuances is vital for managing one's online footprint.

What must youngsters, especially Gen Z learn from the current state of online privacy? Is there any data- especially related to South Asians on this?

Generation Z, having grown up in a digital world, must learn the importance of thoughtful content sharing. They should be aware that once information is online, it is difficult to erase completely. Responsible online behaviour, including understanding privacy settings and the long-term impact of digital footprints, is crucial. As for data specifically related to South Asians, it's important to recognise cultural differences in the perception and management of online privacy. However, detailed demographic-specific data was not readily available in the context of Reputation Online's services.

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