West Yorkshire GP faces misconduct charges

Tuesday 05th September 2017 14:04 EDT

A family GP had allegedly offered to have sex with a female patient when she asked him about the contraceptive pill, a medical tribunal has heard.

Newly married Mohammed Ihsan, 35, allegedly put his crotch in the face of the unnamed woman and kissed her on the lips, telling her: 'Having lots of sex makes you healthy.'

The woman known as Patient B, who was being reportedly being treated at the Dr Singh and Partners Health Centre in Pontefract, West Yorkshire in July 2016, fled the room and reported him days later. Ihsan, from Huddersfield, had been working as a locum at the surgery since 2015.

The Manchester hearing was reportedly told that Ihsan's wife allegedly sent Patient B a Facebook message after the incident, saying what she had heard had 'absolutely killed' and 'shocked' her.

In another allegation, Ihsan is accused of making inappropriate remarks about another patient's sex life when the woman known as Patient A asked for antibiotics for a chest infection.

Ihsan admits 11 misconduct charges but denies 21 others. The hearing continues.

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