Britain home to 13,000 slaves or more

Tuesday 02nd December 2014 06:47 EST

A media reported on Saturday, that Britain's Home Office has said that there could be 13,000 victims of slavery in this country, far more than previous estimates.

The BBC reported that modern slavery victims include women that are forced into prostitution, 'imprisoned' domestic staff, labourers in fields, factories, fishing boats etc.

Data from the National Crime Agency's Human Trafficking Centre last year put the number of slavery victims in Britain at 2,744, while the Home Office believes that the actual number could be bigger, after thorough analysis or investigation.

The victims include people trafficked from more than 100 countries - the most prevalent being Albania, Nigeria, Vietnam and Romania - as well as British-born adults and children.

The Home Office has launched a strategy to help tackle this, including a plan for the Border Force to deploy specialist trafficking teams at major ports and airports to spot potential victims. They are also planning to strengthen the legal framework for confiscating the proceeds of crime.  

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