Tuesday 07th May 2019 06:31 EDT

An NHS campaign is urging Asian women to attend their cervical screening appointment as early detection of abnormalities can prevent and even cure cervical cancer. It is for this reason that women like- Priyanka Abbi, Jas Dosanjh, Lakshmi Jesani and Chhaya Jones are supporting the ‘Cervical Screening Saves Lives’ campaign – by sharing their experiences and encouraging all eligible Asian women to book their appointments as soon as they get their invite letters.

In a recent survey 9 out of 10 women said they would take a test that could help prevent cancer, however research shows that 1 in 4 women do not attend their cervical screening - a test that could stop cancer before it starts. But attendance among Asian women is low.

Priyanka Abbi, 33, says- "I had my first screening two years ago. It was over in less than five minutes and wasn’t as uncomfortable as I imagined it would be. The results showed abnormal cells and after further investigations revealed I had cervical cancer which left me in a shock at the time. I wish I had gone for my screening test when I received the invitation. I kept putting it off as I found it difficult to find the time to go.

Priyanka is successfully treated now and she urges all women, especially Asian women, for whom talking about private body parts due to the culture can be a taboo .

“We should be thankful that this screening programme is available to us - who knows how many women died from cervical cancer because they did not have access to a national screening programme like we have now," she says.

Around 2,600 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in England each year and around 690 women die from the disease – that’s two deaths every day. It is estimated that if everyone in England attended screening regularly, 83% of cervical cancer cases could be prevented.

Chhaya, 42 says- "I had an abnormal result after I had been for my cervical screening, however I was successfully treated. I’m so glad I had the test. Since then, I religiously book my appointment when I receive my invitation and just tell myself that even if it is uncomfortable, that five minutes of discomfort could save my life. I’m pleased this campaign is raising awareness of the importance of cervical screening and I hope more Asian women will be encouraged to book an appointment if they missed their last screening test without delay.”

Lakshmi Jesani, 37 said “I always go for my screenings even though I get nervous about test on the day. Most tests are done by a female nurse, but I usually ask for a female nurse because you can, just to put my mind at rest. The nurses I have seen are very good at putting me at ease so that I don’t feel embarrassed and they have given me tips to make the test more comfortable. My last test I asked for for a smaller speculum which was more comfortable and the test was over in minutes"

Priyanka concludes- “I am supporting the ‘Cervical Screening Saves Lives’ campaign and I hope that all Asian women will join me in ensuring we are protecting ourselves and our loved ones against cervical cancer, by responding to our cervical screening invitation letters. So, if your test is due or if you’ve missed your last screening, book an appointment at your GP practice today.”

For further information about cervical screening, search ‘NHS Cervical Screening’.

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