Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh celebrates Parliament week 2017

Tuesday 21st November 2017 06:45 EST

The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) and Samiti took a lead in engaging with Parliament Week 2017 (13th -19th November).
Pratap Shakha and Shakti  Samiti  (Finchley) organised a Parliament Week event on the  17th of November at Bishop Douglass School, Finchley. MPs Theresa Villiers and Mike Freer attended the hour long event  which started with introduction of activities of Sangh and Samiti and also included a demonstration of Surya Namaskar. Pruthviben Shah spoke on the format of the weekly shakha and leadership skills taught in shakha. The audience were told about the HSS 50th anniversary celebrations and the SEWA projects that Sangh and Samiti prides itself on. Theresa Villiers was impressed with the discipline she witnessed at shakha.

She emphasised how important it is to practice our precious democracy positivity, take up local issues and show that you care by taking that first step to doing something about it. She emphasised that there is a strong need for our  youngsters to participate in politics, ‘ go and meet your local MP, speak to them about issues that you want something done about’ she said.  In introducing Mike Freer Harsha Jani reminded the MP of the 1992 visit to Finchley Pratap shakha utsav by prime minister Margret Thatcher.  Mike Freer spoke to the mainly young audience about opportunities in local government, government departments and parliament. Mike Freer emphasised that there are job placement schemes, internships, apprentices, youth parliament and debating opportunities in parliament and government.  Mike Freer said ‘ Find out how you can participate, look at the resources on government web sites and speak to your local MPs. Just make sure you get up and take action’. 
On the Caste Consultation Bill, both Theresa Villiers and Mike Freer reassured the audience that they were strongly against this bill as it is totally unnecessary and a waste of parliament time.  
Fielding a question from young Swayamsevak Dillon Depala about changing the voting at age to 16, both MPs said that there are crucial issues at election time which people vote on and age 18 is the appropriate age for voting in national election. 

Young Swayamsevaks and Sevikas and the guests had opportunity for one to one interaction with both MPs over a plate of Nasto.  
The evening ended with nara of ‘ Vishwa Dharma Ki Jai’. Pratap Shakha and Shakti Samiti activities are held every Friday from 7-9pm in Finchley.

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