US court rejects Mumbai attack suspect Rana’s anti-extradition plea

Wednesday 23rd August 2023 07:58 EDT

A US court has rejected the "writ of habeas corpus" filed by Tahawwur Rana, a suspect in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, challenging his extradition to India. Despite declining to comment specifically on the Rana case, the US State Department stated that it was still committed to fighting terrorism and bringing those responsible for the Mumbai attacks to justice.

The state department said that Rana’s extradition was a pending matter. “And so, given the fact that it is pending, I don’t have any specific comment to offer. I’m just not going to comment on a pending extradition matter. I’m sure the department of justice can outline the specific steps that are required in an extradition matter,” said a spokesperson.

“What I can say is that we are committed to confronting terrorism across the world and we continue to call for those involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks to be brought to justice,” he added. A US judge authorised Rana's extradition to India in May, marking a significant success for India in its campaign to bring the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks to justice.

Rana, who is being held at the Metropolitan Detention Centre in Los Angeles, filed a “writ of habeas corpus” in June of this year contesting the court order.

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