3 National Freedom Front leaders join Sirisena's party

Wednesday 13th December 2017 05:11 EST

Colombo: Three National Freedom Front (NFF) leaders, Weerakumara Dissanayake, former organiser of the NFF Piyasiri Wijenayake and North-Central Provincial Councillor P B Kumara have joined SLFP, President Maithripala Sirisena's party. Before joining the party, the three leaders met President Sirisena.

The three pledged their support to the President and the political strategy adopted by him. They also declared that they would represent the SLFP at the upcoming Local Government elections. Wijenayake was asked to resign from the party after he repeatedly criticised party leader Wimal Weerawansa in the public. Wijenayake and Weerawansa have been exchanging verbal blows ever since the former had said that the sentiments uttered by the party leader, who expressed the need to ‘bomb’ the parliamentary complex, are not shared by the members of the NFF.

Prior to his expulsion, Wijenayake had declared that the National Freedom Front (NFF) would very soon be limited only to a name board and that day is not very far away. The NFF national organizer stated that the resignations of individuals who actively worked for the party is a serious issue. He made these comments while expressing views on the recent resignation of the party’s general secretary Priyanjith Vitharana. Wijenayake said that he came to know about the resignation of the general secretary only through the media and claimed that there is a secret behind the resignation of Priyanjith Vitharana.

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