Indian tri-services team trains in France for PM Modi's visit

Wednesday 12th July 2023 08:13 EDT

Defence sources stated that the Indian tri -services contingent trained in France for the Bastille Day celebration on July 14. President Emmanuel Macron of France invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be the honorary guest at this year's parade. The Bastille Day Parade will witness a 269-member tri-services contingent from India marching alongside their French partners, the Ministry of Defence said.

The Fete Nationale Francaise is celebrated on July 14 or the National Day in France. It is also known as Bastille Day as this day is the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille in 1789 during the French Revolution. The Ministry further stated that the association of the Indian and the French Armies dates back to World War 1. Over 1.3 million Indian soldiers participated in the war and almost 74,000 of them fought in the muddy trenches to never return again, while another 67,000 were wounded. Indian troops valiantly fought on French soil also.

Both nations are commemorating 25 years of their strategic partnership this year. The armies of both countries have been participating in joint exercises and sharing their experiences. Over the years, India and France have become reliable defence partners.

Captain Aman Jagtap is incharge of the 38 band musicians and 77 marching members of the Indian Army contingent. Wing Commander Sudha Reddy is in charge of the Indian Air Force, while Commander Vrat Baghel is in charge of the Indian Navy contingent. The Indian Air Force's Rafale fighter jets will also take part in the flypast during the celebration.

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