Jinal Shah: Neyava

Sunetra Senior Wednesday 02nd December 2020 09:25 EST

Jinal’s technology consultancy is economically essential at a time when working online has become the new norm. “People want reliability online," the founder told us, "and companies don’t want to lose customers or sales." His enterprise, Neyava, offers a range of IT solutions that either upgrade existing technologies or introduce entirely new ones to assist business to excitingly adapt. Started in 2014, the business has created numerous, robust end-to-end systems that are both at the forefront of modern IT and internally secure. “The consultancy manages many servers around the country. We broadly organise and interconnect every facet from networks to the speed of the service and firewalls to make sure a company runs smoothly. This always includes the most advanced technological features available where our team is superb.”


Jinal gave the example of giant online retailers to illustrate the nuanced nature of Neyava’s work: “Let’s say a company such as Amazon usually gets 100,000 customers and they wish to launch a new campaign or their clientele is generally expanding. They would need more servers to serve more customers on a day-to-day basis. To do this effectively, we would need to slowly build and sync more servers that became part of the wider system. It would require careful supervision and execution. It may seem especially technical compared to the glamour of developing apps or new websites but what we do is infrastructurally necessary.” Indeed, forming entire self-sustaining ecospheres, Neyava’s niche is fundamental. Here, the founder also explained the unique efficiency afforded by The Cloud in recent years:

“This has allowed us to fully automate big systems so that they can simply run with just the touch of a button. Moving away from traditional data centres, Neyava is increasingly designing architectural solutions within the platform of The Cloud. The provider has allowed incredible breakthroughs with the speed of data-processing e.g. an action that used to take a year or two can now be done within a couple of weeks!” As the worldwide shift to digital life is fast-tracked by the viral pandemic then, Jinal reports an unprecedented rise in clients and the need for technological sharpness: “the most common question is ‘where do I start?’ Naturally, organisations have found the change to going completely digital overwhelming.” Neyava has worked with a variety of different industries internationally such as medical research companies and financial institutions in addition to big retailers to help them achieve seamless transformation.

“There is a high volume of data and the demand to transfer and properly manage it.” However, this is exactly the aspect of the job on which Jinal thrives: “I love the challenge of timely problem-solving. I’m able to learn new things all the time and promptly implement them. I also enjoy being able to contribute to change in the everyday. Graduating with a degree in electrical engineering, I was never drawn to the idea of sprawling power systems such as the national grid." Instead, the young innovator preferred portable devices: phones, laptops, iPads: "when you’re in the business of digital systems, you can do your job from anywhere in the world, from Asia to Europe and the US. This is to truly be at being at the fore of new technology.” Finally, if productivity is the rate at which quality work is profitably completed, Jinal’s grand Neyava emerges as the height of evolved progress.

What has been a project you’ve recently completed?

Going six years strong, we’ve helped shops go digital, this year. Many high-street stores were struggling to provide during the pandemic. They did not have the appropriate systems in place to cope or the tech know-how to be able to modify them. We were able to give the online solution. At the peak of the crisis, they were able to start selling to and serving customers regularly again through an automated revamp.

Can you tell us a bit more about tech advancement in recent years: you’ve mentioned The Cloud?

Yes, actually there is a whole philosophy dedicated to this. It’s known as DevOps which is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organisation’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity. It is committed to improved speed, reliability, security scale and the rapid delivery of emerging digital tools where organisations who follow this believe in enhanced products that can deliver applications faster.

What made you want to start the great venture of Neyava? Did you see a big gap in the market?

Yes, I had an appreciation for digital organisation happening in the background. I didn’t see many companies addressing this. As a young boy, this concept is what inspired me. I’ve always been into inquisitive tech where I can explore analytically.

What are a couple of skills required to be a strong IT solutions consultant?

You need to be able to learn the operating system, Linux, and the ins and outs of working with networks.

Finally, what is Neyava’s ethos?

Delivering the best technical solutions whilst utilising the latest tech.


"Moving away from traditional data centres, Neyava is increasingly designing architectural solutions within the platform of The Cloud. The provider has allowed incredible breakthroughs with the speed of data-processing e.g. an action that used to take a year or two can now be done within a couple of weeks!”

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