UK affirms adequate market access in India FTA talks

Wednesday 22nd May 2024 06:57 EDT

The UK government has noted progress in market access discussions with Indian negotiators this week in London. 

However, sufficient agreements for a free trade agreement (FTA) have yet to be reached. During a House of Lords debate, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron fielded inquiries regarding the state of freedom of religion or belief in India.

The recent restructuring to adhere to India's foreign direct investment (FDI) rules, resulting in the formation of a new Indian-owned entity, was raised by Liberal Democrat peer Lord Jeremy Purvis. He questioned the extent of market access granted to India in media, data, and telecom sectors during FTA negotiations.

Lord Cameron stated that while both sides have offered good market access, it's not yet sufficient to secure a trade deal. He emphasised the importance of ensuring that any agreement meets industry leaders' expectations in the UK and provides genuine market access.

A team from India arrived in London for the fourteenth round of FTA negotiations, aiming to boost the GBP 38.1 billion bilateral partnership across various sectors. 

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