Running for a cause

Tuesday 04th April 2017 08:54 EDT

Dr Purvy Patel, a Psychiatrist working for the local Child and Adolescent Mental Health team in Cambridge will be running the London Marathon on Sunday 23rd April to raise funds for Centre 33 – a Cambridgeshire based charity that supports young people aged 13 to 25 with mental health needs, by providing free counselling.

“I'm also raising money for my local primary school to help fund reading book sets. Proper schooling plays a massive role in a child's emotional and physical wellbeing, so I'm hoping to raise enough money to buy at least two sets each of a collection of reading books for the Preschool to Primary classes,” said Dr Purvy.

Dr Purvy works for the local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team, and recognised the need for local charities to step in and support young people with mental health needs. Resources in the Health and Education Sector are limited, and funds raised through charities go a long way in supporting those who require the services in a major way.

“I am grateful to my husband who has endured more than his fair share of dirty dishes, my Mum who has spent extra hours babysitting, my Dad who has helped me get through the gruelling training, and of course, my patient kids who have asked over and over again, 'mummy, running again?'” laughs Dr Purvy. 

But Dr Purvy means serious business. She has been trying to raise funds through crowd-funding, and has raised already raised £923 so far. She will continue to work towards securing the emotional and physical wellbeing of the young members of Cambridge and Asian Voice wishes her good luck in her future endeavours. 

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