India's new hockey coach fired

Tuesday 21st July 2015 06:12 EDT

Paul van Ass, the much talked about Dutch hockey coach for Indian men's team, appointed in March, wouldn't have dreamt that his coaching spell would last only four months.

In a move which will hit the Indian hockey hard, the 54-year-old has been allegedly fired by Hockey India, following his alleged public altercation with federation president Narinder Batra.

The theory that Van Ass won't be continuing as the coach gathered further steam when he allegedly failed to submit his report on India's performance at the recently concluded World Hockey League semi-finals in Antwerp, Belgium.

From The Netherland, Van Ass told PTI, "As far I know I was fired one week after the Hockey World League Semi-finals in Antwerp, Belgium...

"I am yet to get official confirmation but I expect it to get it by the end of this week...”

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