Learn history before preaching

Tuesday 02nd June 2015 07:37 EDT

Every nation has tiny minority that bites hands that feeds them, live in bliss of ignorance. Fiduciary iconoclast D’Cruz is one of them obsessed with imaginary persecution. While AV proudly enlightens readers of world conquering Modiji’s achievements, patriarch Jubel paddles filth and ignorance.

This is in sharp contrast with appreciative, law-abiding Indians living in perfect harmony in the West. In one year India has overtaken China in growth, attracting $70 billion inward investment, stock-market rocketing, 800 people under investigation for holding illegal money overseas and not a single scam emerging which was weekly occurrence under Congress.

India is only nation that has never conquered another country; independent Israel’s first President David Ben-Gurion thanked India in his maiden speech for being only country never to persecute Jews.

Does he know about Spanish inquisition in South America resulting in millions of deaths, that indigenous people of America, Australia and New Zealand were wiped out after Western colonization? Who started two world wars responsible for seventy million deaths, including twenty million Jews, that Hitler and Mussolini were supposedly Christians! How did Christianity spread, by conquest and bribes, unlike Buddhism that conquered hearts by love and self-sacrifice?

India is most cosmopolitan country in the region where Christians and Muslims are thriving in sharp contrast to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Goa is ruled in perfect harmony by Hindus-Christians alliance. Give credit where it is due before your sonorous ossified prophecy becomes reality.

Kumudini Valambhia

Via Email

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