Is BBC anti-Conservative?

Tuesday 12th May 2015 08:03 EDT

Normally I do not take interest in politics or elections beyond performing my civic duty to vote. But it was quiet different this time with so much hype, constant exposure on TV, numerous debates and tons of leaflets dropped through letter box, not to mention tens of emails daily and occasional knock on the door.

One unmistakeable impression I felt was BBC bias in audience selection. Most were frenzied anti-Tori, left leaning, freebee joy riders of rent a crowd type that created an impression of Labour victory. BBC’s claim that audience selection was responsibility of an independent organization did not cut ice, as they were paid agents who would do as they were told, pandering to its paymasters!

Perhaps Sajid Javid’s hint that in the age of digital subscriptions, annual fee of £145 may not be appropriate or justified. If BBC has to fight for revenue like other commercial channels instead of having a fixed, permanent income, then perhaps it might change its’ attitude, be fair and open, as it would be financial suicide to offend paying public or advertisers, bite hands that feed or slay a hen that lays golden egg!

No wonder BBC had awful, incoherence, unimaginable election nightmare, lacking panache, with mumble jumble analysis that made us switch channels!

Kumudini Valambia

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