Slaughter of Cows

Tuesday 17th March 2015 19:20 EDT

Bharat was the cradle of civilization since time immemorial. India has never conquered, colonialize any nation, gave birth to great souls in the annals of human civilization, including Lord Rama, Krishna, Chandragupta, Ashok, Guru Nanak, Tagore, Gandhi and thousands more.

Noble, peaceful, culturally rich religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism originated from Bharat. Pacifists, caring people gave refuge to persecuted from every religion and culture. Parcis driven out from their homeland Persia when Islam became dominant religion; came all the way to Gujarat to seek shelter. When Israel became independent state, their first PM Ben Gurion thanked India being only country where Jews were never persecuted.

It is an age old tradition; sign of maturity requires that minorities respect cultural, religious, social tradition of majority to cultivate harmonious society, as British Indians have so ably demonstrated, not to act as fiduciary. Hindus consider cows, favourite of Sheppard Krishna as holy, not to be butchered for food. Bland statement that beef is cheapest meat is fundamentally flowed. Pork is cheapest and not restricted to Hobson’s choice either! Could we demand pork in Pakistan?

We could only give “through whacking” to politicians in democratic India. Try living in Mesolithic Saudi Arabia for a month in order to appreciate freedom you enjoy where minorities have more rights, privileges than majority, increases their numbers by leaps and bounds while minorities are ethnically cleansed into oblivion in neighbouring countries. Lets’ call spade a spade and stop playing second fiddle.
Bhupendra M. Gandhi
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