Syrian refugees, two contrasting views

Tuesday 22nd September 2015 05:07 EDT

I read with interest Upendra and Ila Kapadia’s contrasting views in last week’s AV. While we agree that Europe should unite in resolving this unparalleled refugee crisis since WW2, emotional scenes, often stage-managed have created so much sympathy without trying to understand hidden agenda, real issues at stake.

While unrest, civil-war in Syria is financed by super-rich Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman, to replace Shia with Sunni regime, they are unwilling to take single refugee family. Instead they finance them to move to Europe for obvious reasons.

Most refugees seem to be well fed, well dressed and many with iPhone, some even hire taxis to take them to Austrian/German border. Very few fall in real refugee category and according to national papers, only one in five is Syrian, rest are from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Bangladesh.

Germany has encouraged this mad rush by announcing that it is ready to take every one who make to Germany, encouraging some arrogant refugees to believe that Germany needs them more than they need Germany!

PM Cameron is absolutely right to demand that Europe should only take refugees direct from Camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, thus vetting them to stop ISIS gaining entry to Europe through back-door, as well as avoiding tragedies at sea. While every Islamic nation maintains their cultural, religious identity, if East European countries would like to maintain theirs, they are branded as monsters, uncivilized, uncaring.

Kumudini Valambia

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