Mass Muslim migration

Tuesday 22nd September 2015 05:12 EDT

The recent wave of migration into Europe is quite unprecedented in human history. The vast majority of migrants are Muslims. It is a Mass Muslim Migration into Europe. Are all of them refugees? The registration record of these people done so far has shown 4 out of every 5 people are economic migrants seeking better life in Europe. Opinion may vary but there are two main causes of this problem: First, the socio-political instability caused in the Middle East by western invasion of Iraq and second Mrs Angela Markel’s declaration of taking 800,000 migrants into Germany. The latter has given rise to incentive and encouragement for migration and people’s smugglers and traffickers making a huge buck in the process.

The Muslims’ excuse for migration is to escape from cruelty and torture they would be subjected to if they were in their home countries. But they do not ask why their fellow Muslims brothers are so cruel and brutal and why they are fighting one another causing socio-political instability within their own society? The problem with people being firm believers is rejection of introspection. What could be possible consequences of such a huge migration? Some European political leaders by their generosity are storing problems for their future generations. Muslim psychology is based on the teaching of the Koran and that does not change. Once settled they will demand introduction of Shariah into Europe, for they can only follow Allah’s law, Shariah and nothing else. There are some Europeans who fear of Islamising of Europe. They are not far from the truth.

Jatindra Saha

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