Junior doctors

Tuesday 23rd February 2016 08:28 EST

It seems Mr Khajuria’s interpretation is often geared to prove his narrow minded point, irrespective of facts and figures he is so fond of quoting! He jumped to conclusion I was referring to India when no country was mentioned.

However I have come across numerous horror stories, especially in dental implants which have to be removed under NHS after they develop infection due to un-hygienic instruments, surgeries performed on unfit patients and lack of appropriate antibiotics.

He may have received excellent treatment but one swallow does not make summer. That is why he left Sudan for UK. He should have watched heart-rending documentary how organs, especially kidneys are obtained illegally in developing countries that ruin donners’ lives for “fist full of dollars!”

It is comfortable to live in bliss of ignorance than face reality. No wonder super-rich Middle-East patients are flocking India for life-saving organ transplants!

Professional bodied like BMA, BDA, GPC and Law Society while acting as trade union for members, are equally responsible for looking after public interest. That is why Government granted them self-regulating powers, act against their members for unscrupulous behaviours, in breach of professional ethics.

LS compensate clients if firms go into liquidation or clients become victim of dishonest solicitors. Unfortunately commercialism has infiltrated every profession.

Old ethics, utilitarianism, unpretentious luminary professionals are in short supply. Our NHS with all its’ shortfalls is indeed envy of the world.

Bhupendra M. Gandhi

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