Is this NHS premonition!

Tuesday 07th January 2020 17:32 EST

It was disturbing to read in national papers that a middle-aged mum had to wait six hours for an ambulance after she fell down on footpath, was badly injured. She was unable to move after the fall on a wet and slippery footpath, breaking her leg, a multi-facture injury. Bystanders phoned for ambulance time and again without success.

They were helpless to assist her, as her injury was so severe that physically moving her would have complicated her already delicate situation. Thus bystanders were unable to take her to nearest hospital in their own vehicles. She was in and out of conscious struggling to stay awake until paramedics arrive. 

Bystanders tried to make her comfortable, giving her duvet, pillow and blankets to comfort and protect her from the wet and cold weather. The ambulance arrived after six hours and she was taken to nearest hospital where she passed away from cardiac arrest. She had two mini-strokes before. 

As usual, ambulance bosses apologised and promised to hold an inquiry. It is too little, too late. But blame lies fairly and squarely at the foot of our out of touch politicians who make NHS political football during election time; promise billions but kick it to the side-line as soon as election is over.

Although extra financial investment would be helpful but in reality what NHS badly need is joint political approach to overhaul the ailing and failing NHS to make it fit for 21st Century, learn how other successful nations like France, Germany and Scandinavian countries operate where there is no waiting list, no bed shortages.  

First and foremost politicians should stop brainwashing public that it is free at the point of delivery. We pay for it in one way or another, through taxation.  Listen to our GPs and hospital doctors, curtail Health Tourism, corruption and issue entitlement identity cards that are a norm in EU. Introduce £10 for GP and £50 for A & E visits with safeguards for under-privileged that will stop timewasters in their tracks! Now many GPs only see their patients after telephone consultations, weeding out time wasters!

Kumudini Valambia

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