Since Narendra Modi became PM of India, he has taken more foreign trips than any other previous PMs of India. Using his diplomatic skill and popularity, especially among NRI living in Western world, he has installed patriotism among them, harvested their skill, financial acumen to benefit their motherland Bharat.
Modiji has especially succeeded in building close and friendly relations with Japan, “Land of Rising Sun” having visited Japan several times and Japanese PM reciprocating this gesture of goodwill many times over. One common factor that has banded these two democratic nations together is mistrust of China who has practically taken over South China Sea, an important sea route for Japanese export to the world.
Japan, who used to manufacture most of its consumer goods in China, is now moving away to other nations like Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India, due to ever rising living standard of Chinese people, as well as political uncertainty, Chinese government fermenting anti-Japanese resentment among Chinese people, trying to take over some off-shore, uninhabited islands under Japanese control.
India has taken advantage of this unappalled opportunity, inviting Japanese firms to establish their manufacturing base in India and Japan is investing billions in India to improve India’s infrastructure with loans and grants, especially roads and trains where Japan leads the world with Bullet Train technology with speed of 320 km, unmatched anywhere in the world.
PM Modi became a fan of Bullet Train when he travelled on such a train with Japanese PM while visiting Japan. India has agreed to buy 18 Bullet Trains at a cost of seven hundred billion rupees, with Japanese firms assembling them in India, ultimately transferring technology to India, in partnership with Indian firms.
India has already started buying land and installing special tracks needed for such a project. Obviously Gujarat will be the first to benefit; first train will depart from Surat on 15th August 2022, ultimately connecting Baroda and Ahmedabad with Mumbai and Capital Delhi. If Modi gets second term, he will change the demography of India beyond recognition!
Bhupendra M. Gandhi
By email