Holier than thou HOL

Monday 13th March 2017 18:09 EDT

Although most politicians were against leaving EU, British voters gave resounding yes to Brexit, thus dethroning EU enthusiast PM Cameron, handing premiership to Mrs may unopposed who has done sterling job so far.

HOC almost unanimously approved the bill to begin negotiations by end of March. Yet, unelected HOL, with bleeding heart, pro EU politicians is throwing every spanner in the process, delaying tactic that may harm PM’s effort to get best deal under difficult circumstances.

HOL’s main concern is to give three million EU citizens living here; a permanent right of settlement even before negotiations begin, thus taking moral high ground at the expense of one million British citizens living in EU.

PM’s effort to come to such reciprocal agreement ASAP, before negotiations begin, thus securing every one’s right, fair and just request, was flatly turned down by arrogant, Shylock German Chancellor and French President who are determined to extract pound of flesh and £50 billion bounty from British tax payers, who dared to vote against EU, thus installing fear in other EU nations with similar aspiration.

But in British PM Mrs May, they have found worthy opponent who would walk away rather than accept bad deal, may scruple their plan to punish Britain, especially as there is £86 billion trade deficit in EU favour that will harm Germany most. No wonder there is clamour to abolish unelected, interfering HOL!

Bhupendra M. Gandhi

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